Alsace is “so heimlich” (warm, friendly)! Imprinted with a strong identity, it is a region where the art of living, the sense of celebration and sharing are cultivated... Dialect, folklore and ancestral traditions make visitors dream but above all make the hearts of Alsatians beat faster, as they are so proud of their region and its riches. 

Do you think it's a coincidence that Alsace is at the top of the most welcoming regions in France or that its villages are labeled, awarded and rewarded? Nope ! The love that Alsatians have for this corner of France and which they willingly share attracts visitors from all countries curious to discover this authentic and preserved territory... where you can quickly feel at home.

Participating in a village festival in Alsace is an experience not to be missed under any circumstances! Among the essentials, do not miss the Schieweschlawe (throwing flaming discs) in Offwiller or the folk festivals of the Streisselhochzeit (bouquet wedding) in Seebach or Pentecost in Wissembourg. These events, like so many others, highlight the diversity and richness of Alsatian culture. 

Did you know ? A century ago, there were almost as many different Alsatian costumes as there were villages!

This great variety was linked in particular to geographical location, the status of women, religion and local wealth, which codified the shapes and colors of clothing.

To learn more about local traditions, visit the Rural House of the Overseas Forest in Kutzenhausen or the House of Offwiller in the village of the same name. Immerse yourself in the past, discovering Alsatian habits and customs.

On the side of gastronomy traditions are not to be outdone: the Alsatian has a taste for good things and particularly appreciates comforting dishes that stick to the body such as Baeckeofe, Sauerkraut, pot-au-feu accompanied by Horseradish (to be discovered at Alélor in Mietesheim) or Coq au Riesling… friendly dishes that can always be enjoyed with others!

The tarte flambée is another staple of Alsatian tables, always on the theme of conviviality since it is shared on a table, accompanied by a good glass of white wine (don't forget that the Alsace Wine Route starts in Cleebourg) or a mug of beer!

And to digest it all, the small glass of Schnapps (eau de vie) of which the elders have the secret will have its effect!

As for the desserts, the traditional quetsche, mirabelle plum or blueberry tarts (a specialty of the village of Climbach and Dambach) are on all the tables in the summer! 

Kougelhopf, Streussels and braids fill tables in for breakfast throughout the year… and as Christmas approaches, Mannele and Bredele take over. And let's not forget the Bretzel which has become the symbol of Alsace and whose production secrets you can discover at the Pretzel factory in Gundershoffen.

Alsace is the region of France with the highest number of starred chefs per inhabitant, a good reason to taste more! 

Finally, the popular festivals and traditions to which Alsatians remain particularly attached punctuate the year, accompanied by the emblematic characters Easter Bunny, Saint Nicolas, Hans Trapp, Christkindel, and many more... whom you may come across during your visit !