Distance: 8 km
Duration (average) : 2h
Level: For all
Positive elevation: 275
Departure: German military cemetery
Moutain Bike


Get on your mountain bike for this circuit which will take you to the Finsterkopf massif, located between Niederbronn-les-Bains and Windstein.

Departing from the German military cemetery of Niederbronn-les-Bains: passage to the Mellon farm, Riesack, Finsterkopf massif, Riesackerberg, Taubensee, Pottaschplatz, Borneberg pass, Wolfenthal pass, return to the military cemetery by the same path as 'to go.

Topo-guide available on request at the Tourist Office.

Working Languages

  • English
  • German
  • French


Type of clientele

  • Families
  • Couples
  • Adults (individuals)