A forest crossing to discover numerous ruined castles with unforgettable views! From Gimbelhof, go down to hill 308 and continue on the D525 (traffic prohibited except for cyclists and coaches), parallel to the charcoal burners' path (reserved for pedestrians), up to the Fleckenstein Castle car park. Follow a technical descent for 1 km.
Cross the D925 then head right and after 1,2 km, join the Fuchsberg circular path. Head left. After 1,3 km, follow the Chemins Pédonculés forest road which passes at the foot of the Château de la Froensbourg, up to the shelter, level 216. Small climb for 1,7 km to the Hichtenbach pass.
Head left and after 2 km, cross with the D190 which you take for 250 m with a view of Wasigenstein Castle. Turn left, technical descent to Obersteinbach, crossing the bridge to Langenbach. At the intersection with the D3, turn right to Obersteinbach town hall.
Distance: 14 km
Duration (average) : 1h30
Level: Intermediate
Positive elevation: 395
Departure: Gimbelhof, Lembach
Moutain Bike